Feature: VX8300 Accessory Guide

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Record Voice Memos on your VX-8300

There is a quick and easy way to record audio voice memos on the VX-8300. Press and hold the voice command key for about two seconds. (It is located on the left side of the cell phone, and is labled with a microphone.) Press OK to begin recording, speak into the phone, and then press OK again to end the recording...

In order to access your memo later, go to the Tunes & Tones menu and select My Sounds. The memo will usually be titled with the date and time it was recorded.

There is a one minute time limit for recording audio, whether you record to the phone memory or a microSD flash memory card. If you wish to record your messages to a microSD card, go to the Settings & Tools menu, press 8 (Memory), choose Save Options, choose Sounds, and then select Card Memory.

Audio memos recorded by the VX-8300 are stored in the .qcp format developed by Qualcomm. They are held in the my_sounds directory on a memory card. Once tranferred to your computer, they can be easily played back with Purevoice, and easily converted to .wav files using the Purevoice converter. Both products are available for free from Qualcomm. In order to convert your .qcp files to .wav files, simply drag them onto the pvconv.exe program.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just got my vx8300, Can you please tell me how to get a sound from "my sounds" to be a ringtone. Stan

11:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to know as well.

6:32 PM  
Blogger Andy Moskowitz said...

Perhaps if you send one to yourself as a MMS message, you'll be given the option to set it as a ringtone?

6:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That does work. Thanks, Andy. JYRENE

5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you know any way to change the default record time of one minute for voice recordings? This would be a great capture device for podcasting if only we could get around the one minute thing...

11:19 AM  
Blogger Andy Moskowitz said...

Unlinke video recording length, I don't know of a way to change this, unfortunately. Podcasting from the phone is definitely an interesting proposition, though. Let me know if you figure out anything about the time limit.
Your blog is pretty cool, by the way, looks like you're doing some interesting stuff.

10:34 PM  
Blogger Penina said...

I tried holding down the voice key while the phone was closed and got a message on my front screent hat "Voice Memo not Available", yet when the phone is open, the voice memo worked perfectly fine.
Is there a setting to allow voice memo to also work while the phone is closed?

5:45 PM  
Blogger Andy Moskowitz said...

I don't know of one, this seems to be the standard behavior.

7:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used the voice dialing on my LG VX6000 a lot. It is convenient to say a pre-recorded name to make a call without having to do it with the keypad. This feature is not documented in VX8300. Do you know if it is still available?

10:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used the voice dialing on my LG VX6000 a lot. It is convenient to say a pre-recorded name to make a call without having to do it with the keypad. This feature is not documented in VX8300. Do you know if it is still available?

4:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yep - that still works.

8:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone knows what's the maximum length we can do voice recording?
VX8300 can record video up to 1 hour, does it mean it can record voice as well? I assume if the phone can record video, that means it can do voice recording too?

please advice. thanks...

11:13 AM  
Blogger Andy Moskowitz said...

The answer is in the post you're replying to.

1:10 PM  

I've enjoyed responding to your hundreds of comments, but I've finally decided to disable comment posting now that I've created a better alternative. Please use the VX8300 forums for any further questions, where they'll me answered by me, or any number of other helpful VX8300 users.

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